Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica <center> <p><strong>MISSION</strong></p> <p align="left"><em>La Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica</em> (The Mexican Journal of Biomedical Engineering, RMIB, for its Spanish acronym) is a publication oriented to the dissemination of papers of the Mexican and international scientific community whose lines of research are aligned to the improvement of the quality of life through engineering techniques.</p> <p align="left">The papers that are considered for being published in the RMIB must be original, unpublished, and first rate, and they can cover the areas of Medical Instrumentation, Biomedical Signals, Medical Information Technology, Biomaterials, Clinical Engineering, Physiological Models, and Medical Imaging as well as lines of research related to various branches of engineering applied to the health sciences.</p> <p align="left">The RMIB is an electronic journal published quarterly ( January, May, September) by the Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering, founded since 1979. It publishes articles in spanish and english and is aimed at academics, researchers and professionals interested in the subspecialties of Biomedical Engineering.</p> <p><strong>INDEXES</strong></p> <p><em>La Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica</em> is a quarterly publication, and it is found in the following indexes:</p> <p><img src="índices_y_repositorios_(1100_×_1000 px).jpg" /></p> </center> Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica A.C. en-US Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica 0188-9532 <p>Upon acceptance of an article in the RMIB, corresponding authors will be asked to fulfill and sign the copyright and the journal publishing agreement, which will allow the RMIB authorization to publish this document in any media without limitations and without any cost. Authors may reuse parts of the paper in other documents and reproduce part or all of it for their personal use as long as a bibliographic reference is made to the RMIB. However written permission of the Publisher is required for resale or distribution outside the corresponding author institution and for all other derivative works, including compilations and translations.</p> Gammatone-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients Based Fear Emotion Level Recognition System <p>Emotions represent affective states that induce alterations in behavior and interactions within one's environment. An avenue for discerning human emotions lies in the realm of speech analysis. Empirical evidence indicates that 1.6 million Indonesian teenagers grapple with mental anxiety disorders, characterized by sensations of fear or ambiguous vigilance. This work endeavors to devise a tool for discerning an individual's emotional state through voice processing, focusing particularly on fear emotions stratified into three levels of intensity: low, medium, and high. The proposed system employs Gammatone-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (GFCC) for feature extraction, leveraging the efficacy of its gamma filter in reducing noise. Furthermore, a Random Forest (RF) Classifier is integrated to facilitate the recognition of fear's emotional intensity in speech signals. The system is deployed on a Raspberry Pi 4B and establishes a Bluetooth connection using the RFCOMM communication protocol to an Android application, presenting the classification results. The outcomes reveal that the Signal-to-Noise Reduction achieved through GFCC extraction surpasses that of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). In terms of accuracy, the implemented recognition system for fear emotion levels, employing GFCC extraction and Random Forest Classifier, attains a commendable accuracy of 73.33 %.</p> Barlian Henryranu Prasetio La Ode Adriyan Hazmar Dahnial Syauqy Edita Rosana Widasari Copyright (c) 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 45 2 6 22 10.17488/RMIB.45.2.1