Call for Papers for Special Issue on Technological Advances and Innovation in Health
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Areas of study that can be published about Biomedical Engineering according to the World Health Organization.
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A publication of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica
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The REVISTA MEXICANA DE INGENIERÍA BIOMÉDICA is a quartely published Journal edited by Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica A.C., Juan Vázquez de Mella 481, piso 2, Local 200, Polanco I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Z.P. 11510, México. Teléfono (55) 5574-4505, Email: . Editor-in-chief: Dora-Luz Flores. Copyright no. 04-2020-022012474000-102, ISSN (printed version) 0188-9532; ISSN (online version) 2395-9126, both granted by Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (Mexico). Last updates edition by M.SC. Carla Ivonne Guerrero Robles, Vázquez de Mella 481, piso 2, Local 200, Polanco I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Z.P. 11510, México. Phone: (55) 5574-4505, last updated: February 7, 2024. All contents including photographs, pictures, and drawings are the sole responsibility of the authors. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflects the opinion of the journal or the editors.