Detection of Exudates and Microaneurysms in the Retina by Segmentation in Fundus Images
Diabetic Retinopathy, Exudates, Microaneurysms, Image Processing, SegmentationAbstract
This article proposes two methodologies for the detection of lesions in the retina, which may indicate the presence of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Through the use of digital image processing techniques, it is possible to isolate the pixels that correspond to a lesion of RD, to achieve segmenting microaneurysms, the edges of the objects contained in the image are highlighted in order to detect the contours of the objects to select by size those that meet an area of 15 to 25 pixels in the case of 512x512 images and identify the objects as possible microaneurysms, while for the detection of exudates the green channel is selected to contrast the luminous objects in the retinography and from the conversion to gray scale, a histogram is graphed to identify the ideal threshold for the segmentation of the pixels that belong to the exudates at the end of the optical disk previously identified by a specialist. A confusion matrix supervised by an ophthalmologist was created to quantify the results obtained by the two methodologies, obtaining a specificity of 0.94 and a sensitivity of 0.97, values that are outstanding to proceed with the classification stage.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Eduardo Bernal Catalán, Eduardo De la Cruz Gámez, José Antonio Montero Valverde, Rafael Hernández Reyna, José Luis Hernández Hernández

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