Transmisor – Receptor de ECG para el Diagnóstico de Infarto al Miocardio


  • A. Gutierrez Aldana Sección de Bioelectrónica, CINVESTAV, Av IPN 2508 México D.F. 07300, México.
  • P. R. Hernández Rodríguez Sección de Bioelectrónica, CINVESTAV, Av IPN 2508 México D.F. 07300, México.
  • M. Lara Barrón Sección de Comunicaciones, CINVESTAV, Av IPN 2508 México D.F. 07300, México.
  • M. A. Ramos Corrales Unidad coronaria del Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional “La Raza” IMSS.
  • J. M. Medécigo Micete Unidad coronaria del Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional “La Raza” IMSS.



In order to improve diagnosis and medical assistance on patients suffering a myocardial infarction, a transceiver for ECG was developed. The equipment uses a commuter line. The ECG signal is obtained from a commercial electrocardiograph and it is digitized for transmission. Two kinds of transmitters were designed: the former, was based on a PC and the later was customized with a microcontroller-based design. A PC-based system is used as a receiver in both cases. Each transmission includes a 12 lead ECG and clinical data for diagnostic purposes to determine the convenience of the thrombolytic therapy application. Results of 140 transmissions performed between an emergency room of a general hospital and a coronary care unit of a hospital with an advising medical staff are reported in this work.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez Aldana, A., Hernández Rodríguez, P. R., Lara Barrón, M., Ramos Corrales, M. A., & Medécigo Micete, J. M. (1998). Transmisor – Receptor de ECG para el Diagnóstico de Infarto al Miocardio. Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Biomedica, 19(3), 8. Retrieved from



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